
I tried carrying the weight of the world, but I only have two hands.

[Created by Majesty 2022]

Emmeranne (Em-err-on) Morgaine Van Nifterick》Moniker《 Emmeranne Morgaine Van Nifterick》Pronounciation《 (Em-err-on) (more-gain) (van-nif-ter-rick)》Alias《 N/a》Maturity《 3.9 yrs》Gender《 Feminine》Sexuality《 Homosexual》Pronouns《 She/Her》Species《 Dog (Giant Schnauzer)》Village《 N/a》Rank《 Outsider》Voice Claim《 Letitia Wright》Scent《 Earth and lavender》Main Theme《 Curses by The Crane Wives》Playlist《 Night Thief

Pay attention to the cracks, because that's where the light gets in.

》Height《 27.5 in/ 69.8 cm》Weight《 96 lbs/ 43.5 kg》Body Type《 Athletic, toned》Body Condition《 Good》Hygiene《 Good》Scars《 N/a》Deformities《 N/a》Apparel《 White vest, coin and ruby ring necklace, 2 gold rings, 1 silver ruby ring》Assets《 Combat. Stamina. Accuracy. Agility. Stealth.》Flaws《 Climbing. Swimming. Hunting. Heat-tolerance.

Emmeranne is a staple of her breed, albeit a bit bigger than the average female with her toned shoulders and deep chest. All of her limbs are well muscled without inhibiting her agility. And despite being large, Em can't boast brute strength like other dogs of her size can, not to say she's weak though. She fits more of an athletic body type. Her head is rectangular shaped with no taper with round dark blue hued eyes, not common to the schnauzer breed. True to the breed, however, Emmeranne chose to get her ears cropped to a point and her once thick tail docked to limit what opponents can hold onto. The dog's posture is nothing short of tall and self-assured.Her coat is a mixture of black and grey, and is always well kept and fresh smelling. Though her fur can grow to be quite thick and long, Em prefers to have it trimmed in the way one would expect from schnauzers with the bodice, tail, and head cut down aside from the legs and the beard. But she also lets a section of fur grow out from her left brow that drapes over one of her eyes. And regardless of what anyone may say, Emmeranne sees no problem in having a beard as it doesn't make her any less of what she is. She owns a vest with various trinkets attached to it as well as a couple necklaces and rings that she wears at all times to maintain a respectable appearance, despite the fact she's a criminal. But anytime the threat of her items getting stolen arises, Em can promptly stash them away and recollect them later on.

It's never too late to be what you might've been.

》+《 Anticipative. Clever. Witty. Nurturing. Methodical.》=《 Complex. Private. Sarcastic. Unchanging. Skeptical.》-《 Decadent. Cold. Disloyal. Mistaken. Troublesome.

Ever since her youth, being able to brace herself for disaster has been an important aspect of Emmeranne's life. Preparing herself for the unexpected has been her savior on more than one occasion, especially considering her role in her family. Em chooses to go into every situation overly prepared should anything take a turn for the worst, for her own safety and those that rely on her. From the biggest problem to the tiniest inconvenience, the schnauzer treats them all the same; with extreme caution. Growing up the way she had taught the canine that the smallest injury could be her downfall, so she does everything in her power to limit them. To go along with this, Emmeranne is quite clever. She can think on her feet and knows how to push the right buttons to get herself out of trouble, as well as find solutions to problems that may seem impossible to overcome. But unfortunately, these smarts aren't always used for the greatest of reasons. The female is a master trickster and has gained a talent in manipulation, doing whatever is necessary to ensure she gets what she wants. Which will mostly consist of valuable jewelry and coin that she's managed to swindle someone out of. She's also known for her mouth, being able to dish out witty remarks and find something humorous to comment on in a jeering manner. While mostly done to infuriate her enemies, Em also finds something positive to be gained in making others laugh by just being herself.Her remarks are also done in almost any situation, sometimes coming across as coarse. If one chooses to be in her company, they can expect nothing short of her jokes. But one thing that may come across as shocking is the schnauzer is also known to be incredibly nurturing. Emmeranne puts the needs of others before her own and takes it upon herself to protect her loved ones with her life. She also can act as a true parental figure to anyone who needs it, first starting with her niece and nephews who didn't have anyone else due to the passing of their mother. Though this side of her isn't open to just anyone, those that are close to her know she loves very fiercely. And as bittersweet as it sounds, Em can also sometimes be sympathetic towards some individuals that she hardly knows. 'Graciously' offering them just a sliver of kindness as she sees fit. The schnauzer also tends to approach day-to-day life in an order established in her mind. For things she does daily, the female has determined the best way to be efficient would be to achieve them in order. Although this is sometimes unnecessary and complete overkill, Emmeranne has convinced herself that it's how everything should be done. Living as a criminal and a parent has given her the idea that she has to succeed for those that rely on her to do the same. And with surviving being difficult enough, Em needs more gains than losses.Due to the schnauzer's tendencies to pick and chose which outsiders to her circle she'll aid and questionable motives as a whole, she can often be difficult to understand. As Em can go along with something one day then disagree with it the next. She also has a different way of absorbing information that can take quite a bit of time for her to fully process. All of this makes it no surprise that she isn't someone many could get along with easily. But although Emmeranne can appear to be a 'bad guy' as one might say, she truly isn't and is simply misunderstood. The female prefers to keep everything about herself private, from something as big as her daily life to something as small as her thoughts. Not only because she's a wanted thief, but Em just doesn't see the point in sharing information that's considered personal. If it's in her head, chances are that it'll stay there unless it absolutely can't. This makes deep conversations with the hound a trial and getting to know her an unnecessary challenge. Which will result in an undesirable outcome for the other individual involved more often than not. And if one were to aggravate Emmeranne, she can show just how ill-mannered she truly can be with a vast array of sarcastic comments that are intended to make anyone in her presence annoyed and preferably leave. As petty as it is, the female believes that anyone who gets on her nerves deserves to have any task they're trying to accomplish become ten times harder through her uncooperative nature.Making her not the greatest partner in doing jobs and possibly the last individual someone would call upon for assistance. And Em sees no reason to behave better, that is until those that rely on her come into question. Unfortunately, the majority of the time the hound has to work in teams is for something for herself or someone she cares very little about. Her stubbornness carries to many aspects of her decisions, stemming from the arrogant belief that she knows better than anyone so advice isn't something she's willing to hear out. And if this lands her in trouble, Emmeranne can't afford to swallow any of her pride long enough to admit she needs help, she'd simply figure things out on her own without ever acknowledging the fact she's made a mistake. However, it must be noted that someone with a strong enough influence on the dog can always show her her place. One trait of the female's that is truly neutral is her skepticism, as she finds a hard time believing what she's told unless there's solid evidence to back it up. This goes for just about everything as Em isn't one to quickly fall for tricks or take one's word as fact. Needless to say, if someone wanted to convince her of something they'd have their work cut out for them. Going about life as she had taught her that falling for just one thing could be what kills her, so anything that can be debated, most definitely will.Though Emmeranne couldn't be described as a villain, the same could be said for her being a hero. Her morals are quite lax and the only thing she'll draw a line at is murder or other extreme acts of violence. That being said, she's not above maiming someone or brutally attacking them. Being a criminal has taught her to be less empathetic than she once was because it wouldn't make sense to feel remorse over robbing someone when that's the only way to get by. Em simply can't afford to care or get personal feelings involved in her crimes, she's gotta look out for herself and herself alone. Though it must be noted that there are some exceptions to this, it doesn't take away the fact she could feel nothing towards taking candy out of a child's mouth. Adding to this, Emmeranne can sometimes be deemed cold by her lack of care towards others. Even when she's not currently on a job, the schnauzer shows very little concern for the well-being of others. She could make rude comments to someone in distress and brush off their concerns as if they were nothing. Or even use their vulnerability to her selfish advantage without batting an eye. In her mind, if nobody cares about her, why should she care about them? The dog also has no problem in getting one to falsely trust her only to turn her back on them when they need her most. Loyalty is nothing but a game of who gets screwed over first to Em, and she's not willing to be the loser.Rules are also something the dog just will not abide by, for one selfish reason or another. She regularly bites the hand that feeds and lavishes at the look of betrayal in their eyes. And as expected from someone who regularly betrays their friends, Emmeranne has a lengthy list of enemies that are awaiting her downfall. But the schnauzer wasn't just born with this heart of stone, it has grown and blossomed over time as life dealt her awful cards. Battering her until she couldn't take it anymore. She was forced to bear the burden of her family and even after all she did for them, most of them still turned their back on her when she broke. Over time this taught Em that in life it's kill or be killed and everyone's just looking out for themselves no matter how much they try to pull a veil over your eyes. She only has herself and her adopted litter, everyone else is just a wolf in sheep's clothing. Following along with this ideal, Emmeranne has dedicated much of her time to becoming known as a nuisance among locals in her area. She loves stirring the pot and making individuals frustrated beyond belief, and when asked why, she'll always say it's her way of reminding them that life isn't fair because it never was to her. That whenever you find salvation atop a nice hill, a loose rock can always be the reason it comes crashing down. That rock doesn't care if you have a life, relationships, or nothing at all.

You're not living, you're surviving.

》Mother《 Tashina》Father《 Kaloyan》Littermates《 Antonia》Aunts《 Zuhura & Ilma》Uncles《 Edvard & Yash》Cousins《 Ninochka, Nalini, Lamar, & Fintan》Nieces《 Awiti》Nephews《 Reneer & Ramesh》Partner《 N/a》Young《 N/a

Emmeranne's origins start within a large rundown city outside of Nevriande where the rules of life differed greatly, and nobody was to be trusted. Virtually everything had to be fought for, and what one did fight for ran the risk of becoming worthless by disease. Rabies is one of them, as it was rampant in the rodent populations and somehow always prevalent even when any rabid animal was killed on sight. The other diseases weren't as intense, but it'd still be in one's best interest to not catch them. Another threat the inhabitants had to face was criminals, as they ruled the streets and held a strong influence over many of the much less dangerous thieves. Being on your own spelled disaster, but fortunately for Emmeranne, she wasn't. She was born into a decently large family of giant schnauzers to mother Tashina and father Kaloyan alongside her sister Antonia. They lived in a family pack with the sisters' aunts, uncles, and cousins. Together, they all were able to get by somewhat decently.The schnauzer pack took refuge in a secluded area of the city that not many individuals chose to roam, keeping its location somewhat a secret. Tashina served as the family's leader, it was her job to ensure that everyone was protected and overall, well cared for. It was unfair that nobody aside from her mate offered to step up to aid in carrying the weight the family possessed, placing a burden atop her shoulders. Up until her daughters were five months old, Tashina fell ill with a debilitating illness that handicapped her, rendering her unable to carry the family any longer. And in private, she'd beg her daughter Emmeranne to take her place. According to Tashina, Em happened to be the only one within the family capable of standing on her own four feet, even in her young age. And if the responsibilities fell upon anyone else, it was heavily believed that the family would be worse off. In all her childish naivety, the little female willingly took on the role. A choice that would affect her permanently.From that day onward, Em was no longer considered a pup in the family's eyes. She was expected to act four times her age and her judgment was something that they all trusted blindly, despite her inexperience. As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the little schnauzer would manage in her position and the family would be doing about the same as when her mother was leading them, which could be considered a positive since this was under the command of a child. Emmeranne would be forced to learn harsh lessons the hard way as she aged, having many bumps and bruises to show for it. However, none of it affected her pack, she wouldn't let it. No matter how exhausted Emmeranne was, how sore or beat up, she remained strong, driven by the assumption that she had no other choice. But day after day, the young dog felt as if she was being pushed closer and closer to her breaking point. Em began to question if there really was no other way she could live, or if there was a choice the moment she knew she'd taken on too much.Soon, the giant schnauzer would come to the conclusion that she did in fact have a choice and could leave her family behind without consequences. One day, Emmeranne would announce her departure and leave her pack, despite their pleas, and begin to live a life of her own. Out alone, she was vulnerable to thieves, but through trial and error, she found ways to avoid danger and even defend herself. But unfortunately, one cannot just live amongst thieves without becoming one themselves and Em was no exception. In order to thrive in her city, she was forced to adapt to the conniving ways of her enemies. Betrayal was quick to become a habit for the sly dog, as well as manipulation to take what she wanted. In no time, Emmeranne was the complete opposite of what her role as pack leader taught her. And upon realizing that, she rightfully gave up her life of thievery to return to her family, but they weren't in the state she left them in. They were in literal shambles.After Em had left them, they struggled greatly to find food and had their territory ransacked by raiders. And not long after that, her uncle Yash contracted rabies and infected her parents, as well as her aunt Iilma. In their crazed state, as they neared the end of their days, Yash and Kaloyan mauled and killed Zuhura, Edvard, and Antonia. Meaning that all that remained of the family were Em's cousins and the week-old litter of her sister's. As expected, she felt incredibly guilty for the deaths of her kin and her cousins blamed her entirely. If Emmeranne hadn't left, none of that would've happened, or at least that's what they believed. Neither of them even briefly considered the idea that the burden of the family shouldn't have fallen onto the youngest member. They got their revenge by abandoning the female and leaving behind Antonia's pups. In honor of their mother, the trio would be taken underneath Em's wing as she ventured back out into the city.Knowing very well that her familiar turf was not a suitable place to have young delicate lives, the giant schnauzer made the painstakingly long journey of leaving her town in search of somewhere safer. By the skin of Emmeranne's teeth, she alongside her niece and nephews made it to the inner boundaries of the continent of Nevriande. Where they live as thieves on the run from their enemies and the law itself, hoping one day to find stability.

OOC Trivia:

  • One of my all-time favorite OCs for sure.

  • Partially based on my mother.

  • Characters and events in Em's backstory reflect IRL people and events.

  • "Emmeranne" means raven and is of Gothic origins.

  • She's a comfort character to me.

  • I adore her beard, she's a beared queen.

IC Trivia:

  • Secretly she loves the idea of being a parent, she just prefers it would've been under better circumstances.

  • As of right now, she's devoid of all guilt for everything she's done as a coping mechanism.

  • Trying to get Emmeranne to take accountability for something reads as if you're blaming her for everything.

  • She wouldn't wish her upbringing on another soul.

  • Emmeranne taught her niece and nephews how to steal and she deeply regrets it.

  • Em is a night owl.

  • The pair of silver rings she has with ruby stones are her parents' wedding rings.